Monday, August 3, 2009

Sleepyness And Other Character Issues

If you are a leader, then you know that everything, no matter what, can be tied to a leadership or character issue. It's a great way for people in your ministry and teams to always stay in check and in constant fear of failing.

Here's a test-

1. Someone on your team accidentally purchased an extra six pack of soda for the meeting.

Leadership issue: They don't truly value money and lack leadership and planning skills.
Character Issue: They need to work on their wholeness, and faithfulness.
Conclusion: Can't be trusted with the next task or anything involving leadership or influence until they prove themselves faithful or at least hang out with the right people.

2. A girl on your team has a crush on Johnny Depp but only in the Pirates movies.

Leadership issue: They don't truly value 21 Jump Street.
Character Issue: They need to work on their wholeness and courage and ability to discern when a career is at it's peak or ending.
Conclusion: Can't be trusted with the next task, renting movies, or anything involving leadership or influence until they prove themselves faithful or at least hang out with the right people.

I hope this has helped you in understanding the benefits to pointing out to others why their dysfunction in their daily choices is the roadblock to why God is just not using them as effectively as you.

Next time we'll discuss why you should never take interns seriously. Because well...they're interns. If we were supposed to-- they would be called "Lanterns" or "Eternals" or "Interestings". Nope. They are "Interns."