Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Disconnectedness: The Greatest Leadership Strength

One of the most overlooked leadership principles is the art of being disconnected but still in full control. For instance:

I asked my assistant (my mother) to plan and coordinate my trip to the Catalyst conference in Georgia. I had other things to do, like cut coupons, collect little coffee creamers from 7-11 (i don't have to buy creamer ever), read leadership books, influence stuff----so I acted like any good leader and delegated it out.

Well, I wasn't available to dot my q's and p's- so when I got off the plane in Atlanta- I found myself arriving at a Cattle Conference. The wrong place at the wrong time. Instead of powerful speakers, there were fast talkin' farmers telling me to watch my step. My mother had failed me in misunderstanding what I wanted to do so I benched her. (See my post on Character issues)

About the only thing I'd learned there was how to deliver a cow baby. As interesting as that is and I did come up with some leadership metaphors from it, I needed to be at Catalyst. I quickly drove across town but they wouldn't let me in even though I was going to give away my pamphlet ( I had three copies with me) I even tried to get in with last years lanyard which i happened to be wearing--- but no go.
Thanks alot mom.

I forgot what my point was. Pray about it. There's something to be learned here.
If anyone wants to know how to deliver and raise young cows go ahead and contact me I'll forward you my notes.