Tuesday, June 9, 2009

5 Essential Leadership Tools Yet To Be Created

Since I’m a futuristical leader, I’m going to share with you 5 things or tools, if created, that will revolutionize and help Leaders in the church lead better someday.

1. Leading Leadership Leaders to Lead like Leading Leaders: For Beginners.

This is a workshop on how to lead Leadership Workshops. Sure, we can lead our churches and even lead other leaders, but can we effectively lead Leadership Workshops?

2. The Bible in email form. If the buzz of the blackberry’s going to consistently draw our attention away from the moment, why not let it be the Word of God! This program emails you a verse every 3 minutes! I’m talkin about getting Evites from the Levites. Wives, children and friends are more forgiving of the interruption if they know Truth is texting. That way, you can read a beatitude and a twitter update without getting a second glance! A win, win for any leader.

3. Google Maps, Church Boundaries Application. Henry Cloud’s book was good, but how does that basic idea of boundaries get applied to Pastors and churches as a whole? With this Google maps application, Churches can now draw virtual lines and borders around a city or community or more importantly a location, letting other churches and Pastors know where to stay out and away from the people God has given THEM to Pastor. A virtual spiritual tagging system lets other Pastors know where not to “cross” and what other areas of the city are available instead for their own outreach.

4. SLAM Session: SLAM stands for- Some Learning After Moving. We learn from others mistakes so why not give a small amount of time in each service to hear from someone who has just left a previous church to talk about why? I think Christians want to know what other churches are doing wrong so that their own church can watch out and avoid the same blind sin or mistakes. Open sharing of spiritual blind spots and unfaithfulness in other communities is the healthiest thing leaders can allow to stimulate health and stuff.

5. Public COMMENTS sections on Blogs or Websites specifically for PRAISE! Fan club pages are created allowing people YOU have healed and helped --to share with one another and compare ways of which they never could have done it without you!!